Saturday, December 5, 2009


Staying up to date with fashion is something all fashion students do. But not me. I purposely try not to see all the new fashions or look at the newest Vogue or Bazaar even though I love those magazines. I’m afraid that my raw talent will be destroyed if I cloud my mind with what someone else has done. I 100% believe that fashion should be 100% original. I hate seeing rip off designs or someone creating a knock-off. Isn’t our job as designers to make something that people have never seen before? I take it very seriously. Even as a child I took it seriously. Yes there’s another story involved in this one:

At the tender age of 9 I was designing. I had a character that I made up and drew all the time. On her I would draw designs. She was like my perfect model. Everyone would tell me how good my drawings were. One day one of my friends tried to draw my character…..keyword “try”. I was still furious. I couldn’t understand why she was trying to do something that I was doing. Here I was being natural and original only to have someone try and trace. After that I started to put little fake copyright>©<>

My theory is that if I see a show and it’s really good and the fashion is hot and new, I’m going to think about it. Then later on when I’m designing I will subconsciously try to re-create the design. Just like if you were to listen to the radio, you will start to sing the songs. 

I will not allow myself to be tainted!!!!!!

Does that make sense?????


  1. It totally makes sense. I barely follow fashion myself. But I do like to look at styles of unknown extremely creative designers!

  2. That all totally makes sense for a fashion designer. However, as a fashion merchandising student, I find that it is extremely important to know what designers are doing and what is popular. In fashion merchandising, you have to be able to sell the clothing, and you do that by finding out what shoppers are looking for and like.

    I really liked your post and I admire your originality and creativity!
